How to Dress Like Luke Cage


Complete Guide of The Defenders TV Series Luke Cage Costume

The Netflix miniseries, “The Defenders”, premiered on August 18, 2017. It features Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist joining together to form the Defenders. Marvel’s Luke Cage is a Netflix series which stars Mike Colter as Luke Cage. The first season premiered on September 30, 2016 and the second season on June 22, 2018. Unfortunately, the series was cancelled by Netflix shortly which was a heartbreaking news for all the fans. The first season showed that how he got his powers and in the second one, this bulletproof superhero is forced to confront the fine line which separates a hero from a villain. Luke has a vast fan base. The lack of fears and his quality to blend in with the crowd makes him unique and famous, ofcourse. To cosplay Luke is easy but tricky but who said you have to worry? We’re here to make sure you blend in but stand out!


Mike Colter Hoodie

As mentioned above, Mike Colter dresses like ordinary people so he could mingle in the  crowd. Thus, this cool and casual hoodie is the first on the list. This Grey and Yellow hoodie is especially inspired by the one Mike wears the series hence it is best for the Luke Cage Costume.


Mike Colter Jacket

This classy and trendy Mike Colter jacket comes at an affordable price. This perfect black jacket is also inspired by the series and it is in fact the best possible imitation of the original outfit. Made up of pure leather, it  is durable and comfortable to wear. Plus, if you chose to dress smartly, you can team it up with some other outfit as well.


Mike Colter Bald Cap

Luke was bald. Surely, none of us would want to shave our heads for a cosplay, would we? Well, at least I wouldn’t. Hence, I prefer wearing a bald cap and recommend the same to you. This bald cap is perfect for the Luke Cage Costume. It is durable and breathable which is why, it can be used many a times.


Mike Colter Goatee Beard Set

If you have ever watched the series, or know Luke, you’d know that he also has a Goatee beard. Not all of us have beards, right? Jn hat case, Goatee beard set is highly recommended.

luke-cage-t shirt

Mike Colter T Shirt

Mike Colter wears a black shirt while portraying Luke Cage in the series. This black T-shirt is not only a great addition to your closet but also, it is exactly what Mike wears in the Luke Cage costume. Furthermore, it is impossible to ignore the fact that having a black t-shirt in your closet has its own benefits. It is affordable and enjoyable.


Mike Colter Watch

A superhero needs to keep track of time. This digital, black watch is exactly like the one Mike wore in his representation of Luke. Luke Cage Costume is incomplete without the watch.


Mike Colter Pant

This pleasant cotton black is great for the Luke Cage costume. It is washable, enjoyable and has a zip fly with button closure. It can be paired up with other outfits.


Mike Colter Boot

These voguish, eye-catching boots are made up of high quality leather. They are sure to keep your feet dry and warm. They are perfect for casual occasions. With a lace up front, it features a padded collar and hexagonal eyelets. They are essential for your Luke Cage Costume.
