Homeland TV Series Carrie Mathison Black Leather JacketHomeland is an American spy drama series revolves around Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison and her struggles to save US from upcoming threats of AL-Qaeda. Clares plays the role of a CIA officer who suffers from bipolar disorder but she is the main..
Homeland Laura Sutton Black Leather Asymmetrical JacketSarah Sokolovic is an American actress. she has performed in various series, film and theater. she played the role of Laura Sutton in homeland TV series. Laura Sutton jacket has been replicated for the fans of Laura Sutton. High quality genuine ..
Homeland TV Series Carrie Mathison Grey Leather JacketThe actress Carrie Mathison is one of the lead role in the season homeland. She played the role of Claire Manes in the season. Not only the story line but also the wardrobe and leather jackets worn by the celebrities are captivating. Carrie Mathi..
Homeland Carrie Mathison Cropped Black Leather JacketHomeland is an American spy thriller drama series with Claire Danes who plays the lead role of Carrie Mathison. Being a protagonist and a CIA officer she had to show her dominant traits to be taken seriously and considered an authoritative figure...